6 modern office washroom ideas your employees will love

Clean and comfortable facilities are so important to today’s workforce. From kitchens and break-out areas to adjustable chairs and adequate workstations, giving employees what they need to work as effectively as possible is crucial.

This allows them to be happy, healthy and as productive as possible, whilst building a strong company culture.

Of course, an important part of any good office is safe, hygienic workplace toilet facilities and washrooms.

Whether you’re opening up a new office or your existing workplace could do with a little TLC, modern and welcoming washrooms are a must, and we’re here to share some design inspiration

Here are six modern office washroom ideas your employees are sure to appreciate.

1. Including some natural elements

Exposure to natural elements throughout the day can help to reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue in employees, and there are lots of ways you can incorporate these elements into your washrooms.

You could add plants (even fake ones can help) and wooden elements or accessories, such as bamboo. You should also make the most of natural light wherever you can. This means including more windows where possible or perhaps adding a skylight if windows are not possible.

2. Introduce touch-free solutions

One thing that has become very apparent since the pandemic is that hygiene is more important than ever. In busy workplaces, germs and bacteria can quickly spread, so employees want to know they’re using clean and safe facilities.

Sure, regular and thorough cleaning will always be important, but there is more you can do to modernise and sanitise your workplace toilets.

From automatic flushing toilets to sensor taps, soap dispensers, and cubicle locks touch-free technology is transforming washroom design. You might even consider touchless door locks.

All of this can help to stop the spread of germs and keep the facilities much cleaner and safer throughout the day.

3. Add a shower

Some offices may already include a shower or two as part of the office washrooms. But if you don’t, it might be time to add a shower to your facilities. This can be useful for those who choose to go to the gym before work or have a long cycle into work.

These facilities make it possible for employees to properly clean up and feel fresh for their working day. Plus, this can be favourable in the summer months when the weather is hot and sticky.

4. Set aside a space for emergency supplies

When using the workplace toilets, the last thing your employees want is to run out of supplies. Whether that is toilet rolls, hand soap, sanitiser or even female hygiene products, having these in a safe and accessible place in your washrooms can reduce worry or embarrassment.

This means that every employee can use the workplace toilet facilities comfortably, without finding themselves in an awkward situation or without having to put in a request from the facilities manager or cleaners.

So it’s a good idea to choose a cupboard, basket or unit where you can neatly keep some emergency supplies.

5. Brighten up the space to reflect your brand

Bathrooms don’t have to be boring, you can use this as an opportunity to accessorise your office washrooms and make them more attractive and welcoming spaces. You can use these spaces to reflect and build your brand.

Whether you choose branded colours for wall cladding, add some new art or install luxury flooring, you can instantly modernise and transform the space while improving the employee experience.

Another suggestion is to introduce warm lighting, attractive light fixtures and simple accessories like vases or plants.

6. Add sustainable elements

The final suggestion on our list is to add some sustainable elements to your office washrooms. Nowadays, many people are far more aware of their impact on the planet and they are trying harder to make better choices for the future.

By adding sustainable elements to your office toilets and washrooms you can boost your brand and impress your employees. Some simple ways to do this include:

  • Replacing high-flowing taps, toilets and showers with water-saving fixtures and fittings

  • Using more sustainable materials for your interiors like bamboo, glass, steel or anything made from recycled material

  • Swap paper towels for automatic hand dryers

  • Choose energy-efficient lighting and heating solutions

  • Have lights and taps on sensors or timers so they aren’t running unnecessarily

  • Buy goods in bulk wherever possible and use refillable solutions. For example, buy refillable soap dispensers and plastic-free toilet rolls

Adding even just one sustainable element to your office washrooms can support your brand and company’s efforts to be more environmentally friendly. But if you can add several of these suggestions, even better!

This can impress employees (and potential hires) and encourage them to be more sustainable in other ways too.

If you need some more design inspiration or to get started on your washroom refurbishment project, get in touch with our friendly team today.


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