7 Tell-tale signs your office washroom is due for an upgrade
Having clean, tidy and appealing workplace toilets is so important for a number of reasons, one of the most important being for good hygiene. After all, you don’t want your staff becoming unwell. We list key signs that the time has come to give your tired toilets a refresh.
Embracing clean and sustainable hygiene: The benefits of hand dryers in school toilets
Using hand dryers in school toilets can offer several key benefits, from increased hygiene to saving money . We discuss some of the advantages of using hand dryers in school washrooms.
What are the minimum disabled toilet dimensions?
We outline the minimum disabled toilet dimensions, along with other important information and advice for your bathroom cubicle design and washroom refurbishment project.
What is the correct workplace toilet ratio and why?
If you run a business, you have a duty to ensure that there are adequate toilet facilities in the workplace and that you have enough to meet the demands of your team.
Over half a million secondary school children have not drunk during school in order to avoid having to use the toilets
New research commissioned by Essity, a leading hygiene and health organisation, has found that secondary and primary school pupils are risking their health and jeopardising their education, as a result of adopting unhealthy behaviours aimed at avoiding having to use ‘dirty and unsafe’ school toilets.
Gender identity in schools
There have been a number of misleading stories in the media recently about how schools address issues relating to gender identity and gender reassignment, and the Government’s role in this area.